tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

My diary . 1

Hallo, im finaly in Australia and it's eaven more beautiful than I thought.
I recently got her and I have not managed to do much yet, but I am looking
forverd to see all the beautiful things Australia has to offer. Today i'm just going
to relax here at the hotel and enjoy the view. The sun is shining and there is so
much nice things to see from this great balcony!

Tomorrow I am traveling to see the Gold Coast, which has the perfect beaches to surf.
I have never surfed before, but i'm very excited. I just hope i'm not to bad surfing, so that
all the cute Australian boys not laughs at me, the Norwegian girl .
Later tomorrow I wonder if I should visit Uluru, a sacred mountain which is located in
Uluru-Kata Tjuta national park. I just have to wait to see what tomorrow brings, it's so much
I wnat to see and experience when I'm first is here.

Love Caroline

1 kommentar:

  1. I've enjoyed reading about your travels to Australia and New York, Caroline. Your writing is personal and fun.
