tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

My diary,

Hello again. It is bigger than I thought, I have just landed in New York.
There are people everywhere, and considering that it lives about 8.5 million
residents of New York's wealth, it's not strange that you almost stands on people.
As I told you this holiday are going to be different from other hoidays I have had.
When I think New York, I think shopping! And I don't think I'm alone with that thought.

Today I have done much out of the day. I got up early and ate breakfast at the hotel I'm
staying at, Hilton. I love hotel breakfast, there is so much good food:)
I did also visit Empire State Building, where I saw the vies of all over New York. It's amazing,
you can see everything. Empire State Building is 381 meters high and have 6 500 windows,
had a price tag of 45 million U.S dollars when it was completed.
I have now shopepe for several hours and my legs are painful. My credit card is burned and
I think I have to take a break and get me some food. I found a park called Central Park,
where I sat down and ate lunch while I looked at all the people. " I LOVE NEW YORK "

Love Caroline

My diary . 1

Hallo, i'm still in Australia.
Just came back to the hotel after a day fuild with experiences.
I told you that I was going to visit The Gold Coast which has the
perfect beaches to surf on. It was amazing and I loved it. Surfing is from now
on my favorite activity. I can tell you one thing, surfing is harder than I thought.
It is difficult to stand on the big waves in the beginning. I feelt it right away in my legs
and the balance was really not stable. But I liked it, and my instrector was very good
helping all of us. We were a group of 10 beginners who wanted to learn how to surf.
As we learned we were just getting better and better.

After a hard workout in the water, it was good to get up in the height of the Uluru mountain.
It was beautiful but also very funny in many ways. We were there for several hours, and
I saw a Kangaroo. I have never seen a Kangaroo before, they look very funny, but also very cute.
I'm exhausted, and the only thing that stands in my mind is the great hotel bed. I need lots of
sleep before tomorrow. I take the plane early in the morning to my next destination, New York.
This will be a completely different type of vacation where I have chosen to shop a lot more than I have done in Australia, and like all other girls, I love to shop.

Love Caroline

My diary . 1

Hallo, im finaly in Australia and it's eaven more beautiful than I thought.
I recently got her and I have not managed to do much yet, but I am looking
forverd to see all the beautiful things Australia has to offer. Today i'm just going
to relax here at the hotel and enjoy the view. The sun is shining and there is so
much nice things to see from this great balcony!

Tomorrow I am traveling to see the Gold Coast, which has the perfect beaches to surf.
I have never surfed before, but i'm very excited. I just hope i'm not to bad surfing, so that
all the cute Australian boys not laughs at me, the Norwegian girl .
Later tomorrow I wonder if I should visit Uluru, a sacred mountain which is located in
Uluru-Kata Tjuta national park. I just have to wait to see what tomorrow brings, it's so much
I wnat to see and experience when I'm first is here.

Love Caroline

mandag 5. oktober 2009

Blood Diamond

I think Blood Diamond is a very good but strong movie. I have a open eyes for this types of movies and I think this one had a message to come up with.
There are a lot of shooting but this one had a point. It is important to make such film's so all the audience can open their eyes for reality.
Blood Diamond is a movie built on the reality, there are 200.000 children in Afrika who is soldiers.
And that scares me!
Meny of those children are about 10 yers and so on. I think everyone can see for themselves how it tough is can be to be armed and to kill in that age. And meny of them are ruined inside after this type of tragedy!

When you are in Africa in such evironments you can't trust anyone than yourself.
I really liked this movie and I think everyone should see this movie, It's a very strong movie but it's just the reality !

søndag 4. oktober 2009

English homework: september 30th

1. Point of view: can mean diferent things. It is something you see
from your sight, your meaning. It can be you opinion about an issue or theme.
Concord: the word concord is used when people agree on something.
The verb has to agree with the subject.

2. Adjectives are used to describe something. Like: " her hair is so beautiful!"
Adverb tells us something about what is happening. Like: " He is standing
right in front of you"

3.Characterisation from the story" Come home "

The man, mr Vingo is a very still and shy man who doesnt say much.
Vingo doesn't care what other people think about him and is a dreaming person that believes
that everything have an happy ending.
The past four years Vingo have been in jail, and he want to know if he still have a wife.
I think Vingo is a sad man thats regretting things that he has done!

Norsk- " Tøm teksten"

1. Episk diktning er fortellinger som er funnet opp og kan være både muntlige og
skriftlige. Novelle, fortelling og roman er noen gode episke eksempler. Diktningen kommer
fra før i tiden hvor det da ikke ble skrevet ned. Da ble det fortalt muntlig i generasjoner etter

2. Novelle og Roman: En novelle er en kort historie .
Novelle og roman er på mange måter det motsatte av hverandre.
En novelle er som sagt veldig kort og er under en kort tidsperiode. Den har heller ikke mange
person og steds skildringer. Få personer og ofte en åpen slutt er gode eksempler på en novelle.

3. Novelle kommer fra det italienske ordet "nyhet".

4. Myte er en fortelling som ofte handler om guder og helter.
En myte blir ikke beskrevet i en bestemt tid og blir heller ikke skrevet ned, den blir ofte
fortalt i nork litteratur.

5. Forfatter og Forteller:
En forfatter en personen som dikter opp og skriver boka eller novellen. Det er også
forfatteren som bestemmer hvem eller hva som skal være fortelleren gjennom hele historien.
En forteller er derfor stemmen som forteller gjennom hele historien. Fortelleren kan noen
ganger være hovedpersonen i fortellingen.

6.Fast personal synsvinkel : Er når synsvinkelen er bundet til en og samme person gjennom
hele fortellingen. ( jeg , du, de, vi osv) Fortelleren kan eks bruke hovedpersonen som jeg
person gjennom fortellingen.

7. Forskjellige fortellere: Det finnes mange forskjellige typer fortellere, her har vi noen:
Jeg forteller- er når man får se handlingen ut ifra hovedpersonens synsvinkel.
Alltvitende- forteller- Er når man observerer hovedpersonen fra " utsiden" og går inn i
hans eller hennes tanker og følelser.
Autorial- forteller- Er når en forteller fra en annen synsvinkel enn hovedpersonens.
Refererende forteller- Er når man refererer kun hovedpersonene og deres tanker.
Han, Hun eller du forteller- er en fast personal synsvinkel

8.Kronologisk rekkefølge:
Er når ting er satt opp i en rekkefølge fra det som er først og til sist.

9.Spenningskurve: Er når det bygges opp til noe overraskende eller uventet.
I en novelle er det ofte en spenningskurve som fanger leserens oppmerksomhet tidlig med
tanke på at en novelle er kort. Man kan eks starte rett i noe spennende som vekker
oppmerksomheten til leseren/ leserne.

10.In medias: Er en måte å starte fortellingen på. Da starter man rett inn i fortellingens
spenningstopp og går rett på sak i handlingne. Eks: det kan være rett inn i fortellingens
ulykke. Etter In medias res kommer det ofte en forklaring på ulykken, hvor mang da kan
gå tilbake i tid for å se hva som hendte.

11. Skildring: En skildring er når forfatteren detaljert forklarer og skildrer miljøet eller
personene i fortellingen.

12.Indirekte og direkte personskildring:
Indirekte personskildring er når personen i fortellingen blir beskrevet ut av handlinger og
han eller hennes væremåte.
Direkte personskildring er når fortelleren beskriver og forteller om personens utseende.

13.Å tolke en tekst: Er når man går dypere inn i tekstens personer og handling for å finne
ut mer om hva teksten vil formidle. Dette er forskjellig fra person til person, hvor alle kan få
helt forskjellige inntrykk av en og samme tekst.