There are people everywhere, and considering that it lives about 8.5 million
residents of New York's wealth, it's not strange that you almost stands on people.
As I told you this holiday are going to be different from other hoidays I have had.
When I think New York, I think shopping! And I don't think I'm alone with that thought.
Today I have done much out of the day. I got up early and ate breakfast at the hotel I'm
staying at, Hilton. I love hotel breakfast, there is so much good food:)
I did also visit Empire State Building, where I saw the vies of all over New York. It's amazing,
you can see everything. Empire State Building is 381 meters high and have 6 500 windows,
had a price tag of 45 million U.S dollars when it was completed.
I have now shopepe for several hours and my legs are painful. My credit card is burned and
I think I have to take a break and get me some food. I found a park called Central Park,
where I sat down and ate lunch while I looked at all the people. " I LOVE NEW YORK "

Love Caroline
I love New York, and I love you!