I think Blood Diamond is a very good but strong movie. I have a open eyes for this types of movies and I think this one had a message to come up with.
There are a lot of shooting but this one had a point. It is important to make such film's so all the audience can open their eyes for reality.
Blood Diamond is a movie built on the reality, there are 200.000 children in Afrika who is soldiers.
And that scares me!
Meny of those children are about 10 yers and so on. I think everyone can see for themselves how it tough is can be to be armed and to kill in that age. And meny of them are ruined inside after this type of tragedy!
When you are in Africa in such evironments you can't trust anyone than yourself.
I really liked this movie and I think everyone should see this movie, It's a very strong movie but it's just the reality !
Many interesting thoughts! I agree that this is a strong movie, and it's good that you point out that this is reality to many people.